PickX™ Neural Net Picker

A Neural Net First Break Picker From XtremeGeo. Inhuman Results, Inhuman Speed.


  • Easy to train new models using either Flatirons or Phoenix Data
  • Use models provided by XtremeGeo or create proprietary custom models
  • May be used to pick the following type of data:
    • Flatirons project data- no need to import into Phoenix
    • Phoenix project data
    • SEG-Y data
    • More options on the way
  • It’s fast, even on low end GPU cards
  • Very high-quality picks. May be as good or better than human picks on difficult data


  • Built using LibTorch, the C++ foundation of industry-leading PyTorch
  • GPU is required for the current release, future releases will not require this

Analytical comparison results

Errors are in milliseconds

  • PickX picks were not modified in any way
  • PickX picks are made using the Amplitude Onset approach
  • Comparison made using “Average Pick Error” of delay time and VNS tomography solutions
  • User picks were given an advantage- they were usually refined using the delay time stack approach
  • “User” picks are in general a combination of auto picks, manual picks, etc. and were made in Flatirons